Use your own sequences

👉🏻 This is just a quick summary of the conversion process, more details can be found here


  1. Ensure that in your input sequence, each frame file is numbered in an ascending order

  2. Almost all commonly used pointcloud/mesh (.fbx .obj .gltf .ply .xzy) and image (.dds .jpeg .png .tga) formats can be used as source material. Ensure that your sequence is in such a format

  3. Download the latest converter binaries for windows here (The file named

  4. Unzip, open the converter, and set the input folder to the folder containing your sequence. The output folder should be set to a different (empty) folder. Click on Start Conversion.

    The converter

Playback in Unity

  1. Open your project and scene in Unity.

  2. Add a GeometrySequencePlayer component to any gameobject.

  3. Click on Open Sequence and open the folder with the converted sequence (the output folder).

  4. Click on Play in Unity. Your scene should now start with the playback/streaming.